Andrew Auerbach, MD

School of Medicine
521 Parnassus Avenue, #5225
San Francisco, CA 94117
Andrew Auerbach
Education and Training

Bowdoin College,Brunswick, Maine, AB - 1988

Dartmouth Medical School,Hanover, New Hampshire, MD - 1992

Yale New Haven Hospital,New Haven, Connecticut 1995 Internal Medicine

Harvard School of Public Health,Boston, Massachusetts, MPH - 1998 Clinical Epidemiology

University of California,San Francisco, CA 2019 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training

Andrew Auerbach, MD MPH, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine.

Dr. Auerbach leads a 40-hospital research collaborative focused on inpatient healthcare delivery models and patient safety and continues an active research mentoring program at UCSF. He is a past Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, a current contributor to the Goldman-Cecil Textbook of Medicine, and an Editor in Chief at Up To Date.