Aging & Long-Term Care

As we age, our relationship to health and medicine changes.

IHPS researchers conduct research on aging and the health and well-being of older people to understand the experience of aging and changing needs for care. We investigate experiences and needs of older adults receiving care in the home, community, hospital, and long-term care settings. Long-term care research looks at how care is provided to individuals who need help with activities of daily living such as bathing or dressing, often in an assisted living or nursing home facility.

Read more about the work in aging, particularly dementia, and long-term care populations currently undertaken by IHPS faculty. Read more here

group of four older adults on a couch

experts in this area

Equity, anti-racism, and community participatory methods; Institutional cultures and policies and its influence on serious illness care; human centered design
Language barriers and language access, Quality of care delivery for older patients, Practice based research in primary care