Health Equity

Health equity research at IHPS goes beyond documenting disparities.

IHPS research examines how individual, behavioral, social, and structural factors create population disparities. IHPS then champions efforts to address these factors and advance equity.

Read more about current IHPS work in health equity in mental and behavioral health, transgender mental health, food insecurity, the effects of anti-poverty programs, community-centered care and the impacts of racism in hospital-based care here.

signs about equity

experts in this area

Social epidemiology; community-based participatory research; adolescent and emerging adult health; research-practice part
Equity, anti-racism, and community participatory methods; Institutional cultures and policies and its influence on serious illness care; human centered design
Language barriers and language access, Quality of care delivery for older patients, Practice based research in primary care
workforce divesification, maternal, infant and child health, racial inequities in health, social and structural determinants of health and racism
social determinants of health, health equity, health disparities, access to care, outcomes research, child health.