Brian Anderson, MD
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
1001 Potrero Avenue, #001
San Francisco, CA 94110

Education and Training
University of Pennsylvania, BA - 2003-07 Biochemistry
Stanford, MD - 2008-14 School of Medicine
London School of Economics, MSc - 2010-11 Sociology
UCSF, Internship - 2014-15 Psychiatry
UCSF, Residency - 2015-18 Psychiatry
San Francisco VA Medical Center, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - 2018-20 Advanced Neurosciences
Awards and Honors
Annual Student Paper Prize, Society for Medical Anthropology ADTSG, 2011
Krevans Award for Patient Care, SFGH, 2015
Academic Scholarship Award, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, 2018