Krista Harrison, PhD

Associate Professor
School of Medicine
Krista Harrison
Education and Training

Oxford University,Oxford, UK 2002 Biology, English

Williams College,Williamstown, MA, BA - 2004 Biology, English

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,Baltimore, AHRQ NRSA - 2010 Health Services Research

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Heath,Baltimore, PhD - 2013 Health Policy & Management, Public Health Ethics

University of California,San Francisco, Certificate - 2016 Implementation Science

University of California,San Francisco, T32 Fellowship - 2017 Aging Research

Global Brain Health Institute, UCSF,San Francisco, Atlantic Fellow - 2019 Brain Health

University of California,San Francisco 05/2021 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training

Awards and Honors

UCSF Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) Research Scholar, University of California San Francisco, 2017-2019

Hellman Fellows Program, University of California San Francisco, 2018-2020

NPCRC Junior Faculty Career Development Award, National Palliative Care Research Center, 2018-2020

Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders, Alzheimer's Association/Global Brain Health Institute, 2018-2020

CTSI KL2 Career Development Award, University of California San Francisco, 2018-2021

2019 UCSF MSTAR Research Mentor Award, UCSF Medical Students Training in Aging Research (MSTAR), 2019

NIA Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01), National Institute on Aging, 2019-2024

UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies Emerging Scholar Exchange Program, University of Pennsylvania Leonard R. Davis Center, 2020

GeriPal Mentor of the Year, UCSF Geriatrics and Palliative Care Fellowship, 2021

Junior Faculty Visiting Professor Program in Geriatric Palliative Care, University of North Carolina, 2024
Krista Harrison, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Geriatrics and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies (IHPS). Her research aims to mitigate suffering by improving models of care & policies for older adults living with, dying from, and grieving neurodegenerative diseases and other serious illnesses. She uses quantitative data to examine population-level needs and generates qualitative and mixed-methods data to inform the improvement of palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia and care partners, particularly those who live in home and community settings.

Dr. Harrison completed her PhD in health policy and public health ethics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; postdoctoral training in aging research and implementation science at UCSF, and an Atlantic Fellowship for Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute. Before joining UCSF, Dr. Harrison was a leader within a large nonprofit community-based hospice and palliative care organization. Dr. Harrison's currently serves as co-lead of a core within the Claude D. Pepper Older American Independence Center that advises scholars on primary data collection in populations of older adults.