Maria Raven, MD, MPH, MS
School of Medicine
521 Parnassus Avenue, #7222
San Francisco, CA 94117

Education and Training
Oregon Health & Science University, MD, MPH - 2001 School of Medicine
NYU School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital Center, Residency - 2005 Emergency Medicine
NYU School of Medicine, MS - 2007 Clinical Research
University of California,San Francisco, CA 2019 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training
Awards and Honors
Irene Perstein Award for outstanding junior woman clinician scientist, UCSF, 2012-2015
Top 10 percent reviewer, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Academic Emergency Medicine, 2016
Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine Mid Career Award, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AW, 2018
Special Recognition Award, California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, 2018
Outstanding Research Publication Award, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AW, 2019
Dr. Raven is a practicing Emergency Medicine physician and health services researcher, is the Chief of Emergency Medicine at UCSF and a Vice Chair in the UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine. Prior to joining the UCSF faculty in 2011, Dr. Raven completed her residency and a research fellowship at NYU/Bellevue Hospital Center and oversaw one of six New York State Department of Health-funded Chronic Illness Demonstration Projects for the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation and New York State Medicaid. In addition to working clinically in the ED at UCSF, Maria speaks locally and nationally about caring for complex populations, frequent emergency department users, and the link between homelessness and health. She has published and peer-reviewed extensively on these and other topics. Maria is co-PI for the San Francisco Whole Person Care Pilot evaluation, focused on improving care for chronically homeless high users of health and social care services, leads the EDIE (emergency department information exchange) program in the UCSF ED, and is the lead evaluator for a Santa Clara County Pay for Success program providing permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless frequents users of the County health system and jail. She is co-editor of a forthcoming Social Emergency Medicine textbook and is currently working on multiple initiatives to improve care for individuals with substance use disorders in emergency departments. Since March 2020, her main focus has been on UCSF emergency department operations and preparedness in the face of COVID-19, and related research.