Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD

School of Medicine
550 16th Street, #2773
San Francisco, CA 94158
Rebecca Smith-Bindman
Education and Training

Princeton University, B.S.E. - 1985 Engineering/Architecture

University of California, San Francisco, M.D. - 1991 School of Medicine

University of California, San Francisco, Intern - 1992 Pathology

University of California, San Francisco, Residency - 1996 Radiology

University of California, San Francisco, Clinical Instructor - 1997 Radiology, Ultrasound

University of California, San Francisco, Fellow - 1998 Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Awards and Honors

Cum Laude, Princeton University, 1985

Nycomed Amersham Fellow, Radiologic Society of North America, 1999-2000

Award of Merit, National Institute of Health, 2010

Invited Editor, Journal of the american College of Radiology, March 2014, Radiation Dose Optimization, 2014

Election to Fellowship, Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, 2015

Distinguished Investigators Award, Academy of Radiology Research, 2015

Distinguished Investigator Award, Academy of Radiology Research, 2015
Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD, is a Professor in Residence of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Smith–Bindman directs the Radiology Outcomes Research Laboratory. Dr. Smith-Bindman received her medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco in 1991, and completed her residency in Radiology at UCSF in 1996, followed by a fellowship in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCSF in 1998.

Dr. Smith-Bindman’s research concentrate on understanding the impact of diagnostic testing on important patient outcomes and understanding the difference in access to different tests and variance in accuracy of these tests. Present research projects are assessing the risk of cancer associated with incidental findings identified on ultrasound and CT imaging, and assessing patterns of radiation from diagnostic imaging. She also is actively developing approaches that can be used to improve the way radiology tests are used and performed to improve the safety of medical imaging

Dr. Smith-Bindman has 135 peer-reviewed articles. In most studies she was responsible for the design, data collection, analysis, manuscript preparation, and dissemination of the results. A few of her significant articles have been covered by extensive media coverage such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Clinical Expertise:

Professional Interests:
Comparative effectiveness and diagnostic imaging, health services research, outcomes research, disparities research, women's imaging, mammography, evidenced based radiology, screening tests, radiation associated with medical imaging, management of incidental findings on diagnostic testing

Education and Training:
• Medical School: University of California, San Francisco
• Internship: University of California, San Francisco - Pathology
• Residency: University of California, San Francisco - Radiology
• Fellowship: University of California, San Francisco - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
• California Medical License
• California X-ray Supervisor and Operator License
• Board Certification, American Board of Radiology