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Alison Cohen, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Social epidemiology; community-based participatory research; adolescent and emerging adult health; research-practice part
Harold R Collard, MD, MS
Vice Chancellor for Research
Professor of Medicine and Health Policy
Professor of Medicine and Health Policy
Learning healthcare systems and the research mission
Sanket Dhruva, MD, MHS
Associate Professor
Medical device regulation, coverage, and safety; High-value care
Elizabeth Dzeng, PhD, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Equity, anti-racism, and community participatory methods; Institutional cultures and policies and its influence on serious illness care; human centered design
Linda Franck, RN, PhD, FAAN
Maternal child health quality and equity community partnered research, MCH, social determinants
Stuart Gansky, MS, DrPH
Health equity / health disparities, children's oral health, tobacco regulatory science
Sarah Garrett, PhD
Assistant Professor
Medical/cultural sociologist working to promote health equity
Carolyn Gibson, PhD
Associate Professor
UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
Health services research, focused on women’s health and menopause
Jennifer Grandis, MD
American Cancer Society Professor
Qualitative research focused on gender equity in science and medicine
Matthew Gribble, PhD
Associate Professor
Environmental Epidemiology, Oceans and Human Health, Climate Change
Beth Griffiths, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Medical education advocacy; Translating research into policy